Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Future Scooby Doo Artist???

In my Multicultural Literature class we are reading this fantastic novel called, So Far From God. This book is an absurdist novel filled to the brim with kookiness and elements of the nautical and crazy. The book is set up to be read like episodes of a Spanish soap opera. So that right there will tell you how funny and crazy this novel is. In the latest chapter I read there was this monster called the Malogra, that attacked one of the sisters and violently disfigured her, but don't worry, the crazy sister named La Loca prayed for her to heal, and she was just fine haha. But in class today we were asked to draw the very first image of the Malogra that entered our heads. So here is mine.

Upon showing and talking to my dad and Gavbo about it. We decided that it definitely is a Scooby Doo villian. I don't know, maybe I have found my hidden talent of monster drawing, and now know that I am destined to be an illustrator for Scooby Doo hahaha??

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Insomnia At Its Worst

Blah....For some reason I have not been able to sleep this week. So Keiana got these fish, and the tank has a light and it is incredibly noisy. And for some reason I cannot sleep with that kind of noise going on, so Sunday night I could not sleep. I maybe got two hours of sleep. And tonight, well...this morning now, it is now 6:30 am and I still haven't fallen asleep, wide awake as ever. But at least my insomnia has helped me to study for my big Jazz exam today. Luckily my roommate Megan shared the same inability to sleep this morning and we made crepes at 5:30. Party! Well, hopefully I will get some sleep tonight. I need it.

In a nutshell, this is what my night consisted of. Studying Jazz, and eating cool ranch Doritos.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

If My Life Was an 80's Movie

Remember that monologue that Emma Stone's character has in Easy A where she talks about wishing her life was an 80's movie?? Well, here is mine.

I want Duckie charismatically dancing to Try a Little Tenderness at my place of work, and taking me to the prom in a very spiffy outfit. But unlike Molly Ringwald, I would not go with Blane..yuck.

I want Rob Lowe playing the saxophone for me in St. Elmo's Fire.

I want to slap Nicolas Cage in the face, twice, and yell, "snap out of it!" And then leave Nicolas' brother so I could live happily ever after with him instead.

I want to go to detention with Judd Nelson, and have him thrust his fist in the air in joy because he got the girl.

I want Patrick Swayze telling my parents to never put me in a corner.

I want to travel to the future with Marty Mcfly.

But just as Emma says in Easy A, John Hughes cannot direct my life. So I guess I will live with what I have and make the best of it :)

Movies Movies Movies Movies...

So as I have been gearing up for the Academy Award this weekends, I have basically put myself into movie lockdown. Keiana is gone for the weekend so I have the room all to myself, making me not feel guilty watching movies until 3:00 in the morning. Although there are movies I still haven't been able to watch because they are still in theaters, and Logan's movie theaters have slim pickings. But praise the good Lord for Redbox, because I am in love. I am now one of Logan's finest knowledge holders of Redbox locations. I can tell you where every Redbox in Logan is. Unfortunately because I had work today, there are still movies I have not had time to see or rent, but I did see some pretty good movies with the time I did have this weekend.

#5- The Tree of Life
Now I found this movie to be one of the oddest, time consuming, yet beautiful things I have seen. Most of the time it didn't make much sense, but the times that did make some sense I really liked. I always enjoy looking at Brad Pitt, there is no denying that. But I don't think I would recommend this to anyone else to watch. It was...ehhhh.

#4- Drive
Now any couple hours you can spend staring at Ryan Gosling's face is a few hours well spent. The movie was a little violent for my taste, but Ryan's fantastic acting evened it out. It was interesting to see Ryan play such a unique character. He is one of those guys that is kind of a bad guy, and you are not sure if you want him to have a happy ending or not. And of course the beautiful Carey Mulligan is in this. She is by and far beginning to become one of my favorite actresses. I for one and looking forward to her being Daisy in the new Great Gatsby movie. But yeah, this movie was pretty good, if you like violence and conflicting characters.

#3- Moneyball
Yeah yeah yeah. Another sports movie. I was kind of surprised that this got nominated for best picture after I watched this. I feel like this is a great movie, but it isn't spectacular. And yes, I love Brad Pitt, but his performance is just like any other that I have seen before. Honestly his performance in The Tree of Life was more noteworthy than this one. But I really do recommend this. It is a great family movie, and I found it worth my time. And I always find it funny that Brad Pitt always seems to be eating throughout all of his films. Seriously, go watch some Brad Pitt films, and you will notice that this guy is basically eating in every single scene. It is kind of hilarious.

#2- Warrior
I was surprised how much I ended up enjoying this movie. I mostly got this movie because I am kind of starting to have a love affair with Tom Hardy. But as I began watching it, I genuinely loved it. It is actually a great movie to watch with the family. And hey, who doesn't enjoy nicely beefed out gentlemen knocking the shiznix out of each other. Who knew a boxing movie could be so good? It is like a modern day Cinderella Man, with two main characters. There was even a lovely back story to the two main characters. And oh boy, me and Tom Hardy are going hot and heavy after I watched this movie. The man has muscles!!

#1- Beginners
First of all, who doesn't love Ewan McGregor?? I couldn't tell you. And then he has this adorable french girlfriend in the movie. And his dad is Christopher Plummer, aka Captain Von Trapp, who plays an openly gay man who came out of the closet at the age of 74. This movie is absolutely adorable, and fantastically indie, which I love. It is heartfelt, colorful, and tender. Do I recommend it?? Yes! Also, I am having a love affair with Ewan McGregor. Hope it doesn't hurt Tom Hardy's feelings.

* Also before this weekend I watched Midnight in Paris. Which is far and way the best movie I saw this year...besides Harry Potter. And I also happen to be a big Woody Allen fan. And it is in the 20's. LOVE!

Friday, February 24, 2012

My Friend Oscar

Once a year the Academy Award roll around, and I of course get incredibly excited. Because, you see I am...a movie whore. I love films!! And 2011 was filled to the brim with good ones. But this year I seem to be more into the Oscars more so than ever before. I guess it is nice to have something to look forward to when you spend all your time at work and school haha. So I am going all out this Oscar weekend. Tonight I have rented a plethora of Oscar nominated movies, and I will then write down all my picks for the winners. People who know me know that I am an avid fan of the Muppets. I think they are fantastic and they help me feel like a little kid again. But one of the things I am most excited for this Oscar show is that the song "Man or Muppet" from the new Muppet movie and sung by my future husband, Jason Segel, has been nominated. So fingers crossed that it wins. And of course every Oscar season there are many things that get gypped out of nominations...such as Ryan Gosling in Drive or in Ides of March. And speaking of Ides of March, that should have been nominated as well. But c'est la vie, I've still got Midnight in Paris nominations to root on! And of course...Billy Crystal as the host. Now that is fantastic.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

War Wounds From Blimpie

First of all, I love my job. All of my co-workers are fantastic, the customers are great, and I get free sandwiches! Does it get any better than that? Oh yeah, and I get money! But as much as I LOVE my job, Blimpie is a dangerous world. Well not really, but I have managed to cause harm to myself there multiple times. Most recently, last night. I was getting the bread out of the proofer and got this lovely, large-sized burn on my elbow from the oven door.

Also, my arm is not nearly as huge as this picture makes it out to be haha.

But of course, bodily harm aside, it is the greatest job ever! And if you ever find yourself at Blimpie, which you should, get the Buffalo Chicken sandwich, or the Blimpie Best! And get it the Blimpie Way! Best sandwiches ever! I swear, Blimpie is going to make me even more fat! It is just so delicious!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Inner Bridget Jones

One of my favorite movies of all time is Bridget Jones' Diary. I love it! I have found the more and more I watch it, the more I realize that I basically am Bridget Jones. The slightly overweight, goofy, loyal girl with her heart out on her sleeve. With the exception of being excessively outspoken, I am probably Bridget to a tee.

My favorite scene of the movie is actually the opening scene during the credits when Bridget actively listens to the song, All By Myself while drinking generous glasses of wine. So as my Valentines Day tribute to singlehood, I mimicked this great scene in my very own room. So without further ado, here you go.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Danielle Jackson: Designated Third Wheel

In my life I have found that Olive Penderghast from the movie Easy A can describe my love life to a tee.
Exhibit A: "Welcome. This is where the magic happens. And by magic, I mean nothing."
Exhibit B: "If Google Earth were a guy, he couldn't find me if I were dressed up as a 10-story building."
Exhibit C: "I think my complete lack of allure finally shot that horse in the face."

All of the above descriptions describe my life perfectly, the lack of allure, being invisible to the opposite sex, and the fact that my love life is a complete void. I am at the point where I honestly just laugh about it, and don't have a care in the world. I am at a place in my life where I have realized that I have been strong and independent my entire life, and I don't need anyone to help me through it. The marriage thing, kind of questioning it. But who knows, maybe some day my Woodchuck Todd will come, but until then being a single and independent W.O.M.A.N. is all right with me.

Now with that aside I have found myself in many a predicament of being a designated third wheel. I just find it odd that I seem to attract friends that are couples, and become the designated third wheel. This predicament has happened to me NUMEROUS times. I love my friends, I truly do, I just find it odd that I always become the third wheel. Do I have a neon sticker on my forehead that reads, "Third Wheel"? I guess I am just too fabulous for people to want to have less of in their lives once they get into relationships haha.

Well there is my relationship rant. I hope you enjoyed it.

My Kind Of Life??

How does this college girl spend her Saturday nights nowadays?? Well tonight it consists of working six hours at the wonderful world of Blimpie, and staying up crazy late doing my lesson plan for teaching my Literature class on Monday, and watching Whitney Houston music videos on VH1. At this point it's 2:30 am, and I don't plan on going to bed anytime soon. I doing this college Saturday night thing all wrong?? Oh well...atleast I'm happy.