Friday, April 12, 2013

Native American Literature

This semester I have taken a course that I have completely fallen in love with, Native American Literature. Before taking this class I didn't really think too much about their being a whole separate genre for Native literature, but as I have been engrossing myself in these novels I have come to realize that Native writers do in fact have this beautiful and unique style of writing that I have not had the pleasure of reading in any other books. The books I have read have such a strong sense of identity and what it means to be apart of something, the Native culture. And being the English major I am, I love to devour symbolism, trying to find the meaning hidden in simple things. These books are chalk full of that like no other genre I have read. So to you I suggest, if you have not already, to find a Native American novel and you will be pleasantly surprised as you read and open your mind to a beautiful culture.

Books I suggest:

Love Medicine, by Louise Erdrich.

Winter in the Blood, by James Welch

Ceremony, by Leslie Marmon Silko

Bone Game, by Louis Owens

If you feel so inclined, pick up one of these books, and you will not regret it.

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