Friday, July 29, 2011

As Time Goes By

It never fails to surprise me whenever I come to the realization of how fast time goes by. It feels just like yesterday that I was crying at my sixth grade graduation because I was afraid to make that great leap to the life as a junior high student. And now I find myself graduated from high school and yet again making that all together giant leap to something new- COLLEGE. It always seems that that next step is far away, and then comes that eventual step when you realize that it is just around the corner; like TWO WEEKS!

There is so much I am going to miss about living at home, living close to my family and friends. I will miss the talks with my brother, and our Arrested Development marathons. I will miss shopping with my mom, and talking to my dad. I will miss babysitting my cousins, and going to my grandparent's for impromptu visits. I will miss all the cute girls in my neighborhood, who always make each Sunday so great! I will miss some of the most amazing people who I have the enormous pleasure of calling my friends. I will miss going to creative writing every other day and doing everything with the 'Faab Five' except in fact writing- like jousting in the back room. These past few years of my life, I can honestly say, have been the greatest of my life. I would not trade my experiences for the world. They have made me who I am, and you can bet your boots that I will always remember where I have come from because every bit of my past flows thickly through my veins.

Being the movie junkie that I am, I always find some way to relate some movie with my life- and in this case it happens to be my favorite, Casablanca. Rick and Ilsa share this electric past, and when the time comes when Rick has to choose between letting her go to a life that is unknown and a life of being with him, he makes the hard decision of letting her go and letting her take the path that he believes will lead her to the greater life. In way I feel like Rick. I have had to make that decision of choosing the path that comes with uncertainty, instead of taking the path that seems easier and smoother. But the most important thing to remember is the past, like Rick says to Ilsa- "We'll always have Paris." Just like he knows that he can let her go because that share that eternal bond which is the past, I know that I am linked to all that I love through my past experiences. That no matter how far I stray away from where my roots grew, I will always have my own metaphorical Paris, which is my past.

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