Thursday, January 26, 2012

Slutty Brownies

Yesterday, in rare moment of freedom, I had a chance to make a recipe I have been dying to make. They are aptly called, Slutty Brownies. Now why you may ask are they called Slutty Brownies? They answer is simple, they are easy haha. And frankly, if someone made some and I wanted some badly enough, I may resort to slutty measures. Just what exactly are Slutty Brownies? They are a layer of brownie batter, on top of a layer of oreos, on top of a layer of cookie dough. And they are fabulous! I didn't have tin foil to place over the top for the first cycle of baking, so they didn't turn out exactly right, but they still did the trick.

If you want to make these deliciously seductive brownies, here are some directions...

Preheat your oven to 350' F. Then for the cookie layer make a batch of your preferred cookie recipe, or you can be lazy like me and just used the packaged Pillsbury stuff from the store. Then place your cookie dough in a greased 9X13 pan. Then place a layer of yummy oreos on top of your cookie dough. Then whip up a batch of Family Size Brownie mix. Pour the brownie batter on top of the oreos and cookie dough. Then cover this concoction with tin foil and place in the oven for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove foil and continue baking for 15-25 minutes. And then, voila, it is time so please your inner slut with some appropriately named brownies.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Life Lessons From Boy Meets World

As you may know, I am an avid fan of Boy Meets World. I LOVE IT!! I was on the website yesterday and many people were posting life lessons they learned from movies and television shows. So I thought what television show have I learned the most from, and of course the immediate conclusion was of course Boy Meets World! So here you go, life lessons to be had from the marvelous Boy Meets World.

#13 When life gets tough....wear a helmet.
#12 Always drink coffee after you kill a man. (But of course we all know that was just in Cory's head)
#11 It's ok to be a damsel, as long as you are calm and completely in control of your destiny.
#10 Agoobwa is a great new word to use when you absolutely cannot describe how awful something was.
#9 Wood is the opposite of funny.
#8 There is no such thing as good news until you have your Grapenuts.
#7 Sometimes it is perfectly fine to dress up in drag.
#6 "Lose one friend, lose all friends, lose yourself."
#5 As long as you have friends, everything will turn out just fine.
#4 It is possible to obtain true love in this crazy thing called life. (Example: Cory and Topanga)
#3 Never risk anything you are not willing to lose.
#2 Never let anyone's perceptions dictate who you are, you will never grow as a person.

Aaaaand...drum roll...

#1 The greatest life advice... "Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do good." (Isn't Mr. Feeny the greatest?!!)

Class dismissed.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blimpie Time!!

After a semester of job searching I have finally landed my self some employment as...wait for it... Blimpie's new sandwich wench!!! Soon my sandwich making skills will be off the hook. And as of today I am permitted by the Bear River Health department to handle food in Cache Valley! Passed the exam, yes I did. Tomorrow is my first official day on the job, wish me luck!

It may be backwards, but that is my new Food Handlers Permit

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Adventures of Babysitting

I absolutely love babysitting my cousins. Now that I am in college and "grown-up," I only do it now for purely having fun. And with all of these munchkins how can I not have fun?!

Friday, January 13, 2012

The This and Thats of Christmas

This last Christmas break was simply marvelous. I got some MUCH NEEDED down time, and most importantly got to spend time with my very favorite family. I got some good babysitting time in, and spent time with my adorable little munchkins. But first and foremost, let me tell you about Christmas with my family.

Usually, every Christmas Eve, me, my parent, and Gavbo get together with my mom's side of the family. Keeping the tradition alive, we did just that yet again this year. We met at my Aunt Becca's house, and has a delicious Christmas Eve dinner of ham and funeral potatoes. Afterward we participated in the widespread tradition of Christmas Eve cookie making. It is a tradition in my family that every year we make Mexican Wedding cookies. I do not necessarily like these cookies, but more than anything they are fun to make. The baby, Ireland, especially had a fun time with the pan of powdered sugar.

Christmas breakfast is always a big deal at my house. It used to be that we would attract a number of my extended family members for this, but as everyone started to have kids of their own, we started to have less and less come each year. But still it remains big for me, my parents, Gavin, and my Grandma and Grandpa Jackson. On Christmas Eve, about 10:00 is when breakfast preparation begins. We set out the infamous Heidi Gordon cinnamon rolls, and cook our delicious Swedish Rice so it can cool over night. On Christmas morning my dad adds to the plethora of food and makes sourdough pancakes. This year, I got a Cocomotion, so I added some frothy hot cocoa. I almost look forward to breakfast sometimes more than I do the presents.

Then Christmas night we got together with my Mom's family again, and made sandwiches with the previous night's leftover ham and Becca's magic crack rolls. We then just spent the rest of the night together eating yummy food, opening presents, in which I got a mini pillow pet piggy named Little Cory (named after Shawn Hunter's pet pig in Boy Meets World!), and of course a lot of laughter.

I love Christmas! And this year, since I now live further away from my family and do not get the see them so much, it seemed particularly special. Christmas really is magical, and I am glad to have such a fabulous family to spend it with.

We hope everyone had a very merry Kardashian Christmas!!