Thursday, January 26, 2012

Slutty Brownies

Yesterday, in rare moment of freedom, I had a chance to make a recipe I have been dying to make. They are aptly called, Slutty Brownies. Now why you may ask are they called Slutty Brownies? They answer is simple, they are easy haha. And frankly, if someone made some and I wanted some badly enough, I may resort to slutty measures. Just what exactly are Slutty Brownies? They are a layer of brownie batter, on top of a layer of oreos, on top of a layer of cookie dough. And they are fabulous! I didn't have tin foil to place over the top for the first cycle of baking, so they didn't turn out exactly right, but they still did the trick.

If you want to make these deliciously seductive brownies, here are some directions...

Preheat your oven to 350' F. Then for the cookie layer make a batch of your preferred cookie recipe, or you can be lazy like me and just used the packaged Pillsbury stuff from the store. Then place your cookie dough in a greased 9X13 pan. Then place a layer of yummy oreos on top of your cookie dough. Then whip up a batch of Family Size Brownie mix. Pour the brownie batter on top of the oreos and cookie dough. Then cover this concoction with tin foil and place in the oven for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove foil and continue baking for 15-25 minutes. And then, voila, it is time so please your inner slut with some appropriately named brownies.