Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Life Lessons From Boy Meets World

As you may know, I am an avid fan of Boy Meets World. I LOVE IT!! I was on the website yesterday and many people were posting life lessons they learned from movies and television shows. So I thought what television show have I learned the most from, and of course the immediate conclusion was of course Boy Meets World! So here you go, life lessons to be had from the marvelous Boy Meets World.

#13 When life gets tough....wear a helmet.
#12 Always drink coffee after you kill a man. (But of course we all know that was just in Cory's head)
#11 It's ok to be a damsel, as long as you are calm and completely in control of your destiny.
#10 Agoobwa is a great new word to use when you absolutely cannot describe how awful something was.
#9 Wood is the opposite of funny.
#8 There is no such thing as good news until you have your Grapenuts.
#7 Sometimes it is perfectly fine to dress up in drag.
#6 "Lose one friend, lose all friends, lose yourself."
#5 As long as you have friends, everything will turn out just fine.
#4 It is possible to obtain true love in this crazy thing called life. (Example: Cory and Topanga)
#3 Never risk anything you are not willing to lose.
#2 Never let anyone's perceptions dictate who you are, you will never grow as a person.

Aaaaand...drum roll...

#1 The greatest life advice... "Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do good." (Isn't Mr. Feeny the greatest?!!)

Class dismissed.

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