Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Faab Five

Lately I have been missing these kids a ton! These are my writing buddies, Jonny, Erika, Jennie, and Thomas. I took Creative Writing for all three years of high school, and a big part of why it became my favorite is because of these kiddos! And of course the wonderful Mrs. Horstmann (aka the greatest teacher of all time.) We actually framed this picture for her, and wrote on the frame, "Mrs. H's Favorites." And of course, it still sits in her classroom, because let's face it, we really are her favorites! On top of them being my writing buddies, they were also my Golden Leaves staff when I was Editor. It is a good thing we were Horstmann's favorites, because we REALLY were crazy. We spent most of our time in the back room, where we pretty much did almost everything except writing. We jousted with rolling chairs, quoted Phineas and Ferb, had dance parties. But when we did write, it was always something great! For our last project, we were allowed to do a project together, in which we wrote a play about Green Jello taking over the world. To simply put it, it is probably one of the most epic things ever written, no big deal. We are going to make it into a movie. So expect us to be making an appearance at the 2013 Oscars!

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