Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Freetime of a College Student

It is known that poorness and college student go hand and hand. So what do we poor college students do in our free time??? Why we do some super crazy things of course! And here are a few!

This year my roommates and I went to the Howl. I recycled a costume that I had previously worn a few years ago, and I was set. But before we went to the party, we got a visit from our neighbor, Quinton, who we helped to become a woman (for Halloween of course.) I curled his hair, helped him pick our some lipstick, and we all showed him the best way to walk in a pair of pumps.

This year, it was my idea to celebrate Diwali, the Indian Festival of Lights. Now where did I get this idea, you ask? Why, The Office of course! Where I get most of my fantastic ideas! So I made some fabulous fliers, featuring Michael Scott, and his Diwali song; and then delivered them to the people of my building. When the day came, my roommates and I wore the most festive Indian-like clothing we could, and blasted some Indian music. We decorated our living room with lanterns, and made a plethora of treats. We then did some great interpretive dancing, and watched the Diwali episode of The Office. Although we only had three people stop on by, I can definitely be said that us girls of 203 had the most fantastic time!

Toga Time!A few weeks ago there was a costume party hosted by the Hockey teams that my roommate Megan and I were going to attend. I decided to go last minute, and therefore used the signature last minute costume idea- a toga! Blue sheet, and a purple scarf, plus a little bit of artistic drapery; I was set. Although the party ended up being super lame, like crazy boys wearing tutus and fairy wings- and nothing else...yep. Needless to say, we left pretty early, haha. Even though the party was pretty lame, I got to toga it up for a whole night.
In the meantime of all this craziness, I do one of my favorite things, which is watch Boy Meets World. Which of course is my favorite show of all time. I have a great love for this show, such a love in fact that I made a Boy Meets World quote wall in my room during my free time. So every night before I go to bed I can read my favorite, mostly inspirational quotes from my favorite show. And at the top of the quotes, I have written 'Danielle Meets World.' I think it is pretty great!

And of course in between my free time, I am dutifully studying of course.

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