Saturday, November 26, 2011

Turkey Day!

Being able to spend this last week at home has literally been SPECTACULAR! Thanksgiving in particular was one of the best yet. I feel like this whole week I have, not to sound too cliche, been getting in touch with my inner child. Not just my Rugrats marathon, but everything.

On Thanksgiving Day, I played dress up with my Sadie-Lou, and Ty. I was a princess, gypsy, salsa dancer, doctor, and minnie mouse!

The day before with the same kiddos, I watched The Little Mermaid 2, played superheroes (while playing Sadie taught me how to find my inner peace, and showed me how to meditate! Haha, such a funny girl!), and fought an evil green gooey monster.

I played with this little munchkin, and had a war of exchanging raspberry kisses. And, by the way, how cute is she?! I love my little Ireland!

Also, off of the subject, look at this scrumptious pie I made for dessert! Black Bottom Cream Pie. A delicious concoction of fudge, pudding, bananas, whipped cream, and pie crust. I think I may have discovered a new Thanksgiving hit! I love being back at home where I actually have the ingredients to bake. I don't think I have mentioned before, but I love to bake. I love it!

Well I hope everyone has had a fantastic Thanksgiving, and has found their inner child like me haha. Peace and blessings!

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